So, keeping with the whimsical aesthetic I'm trying to create, I decided to go with something more humorous to start. I wanted to play off a classic that everyone would understand, but I also wanted to make it a game of reader intellect (to be fair, I've never read Moby-Dick, but I know the base story, character's names, etc - however, the ad is kind of the "behind the scenes"). I want to do a series involving a Tale of Two Cities, and Jane Eyre, or some other classic. A Capella has a lot of unknowns, but I don't want the message to be lost in obscurity. Even if people have little interest in the classics, hopefully the tinge of humor will make them rethink "book store" and at least get them in the door so they can discover other titles.
Well, that's the idea at least. A new spin on old stories will hopefully at least get them in the door.
The above iteration is rull, rull rough. Rull rough. But, there's a concept.
Nice stuff man... I like this most recent one the best. Your illustrations are great.
yeah i love the idea behind this Jared its so fun!
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