Friday, March 21, 2008

Only the Unexpected


Drewbius Maximus said...

I like the direction you've taken with this new series. I think people will be able to comprehend these quicker than the previous one's with the "I kind of like the name, Ishmael" quote. Someone who hasn't read Moby Dick or any Herman Melville's stories may not quickly understand those. I'm sortof drawn to the "Unexpected" quotes you have might be interesting to put a twist on the story for your illustration (not sure if you've read Moby Dick or not). But something like this: Captain Ahab (the one-legged man who swears vengeance on the "Dick" who has crippled him) sitting with Moby amongst the waves, maybe laying back against the curve of one of the waves, as Moby types away on the keyboard with the quote, "Expect the Unexpected" or something along those lines...

Drewbius Maximus said...

.......or maybe Herman is shown at the typewriter while Moby plays with Ahab-perhaps Ahab laughs excitedly atop the water force of Moby's blowhole. Sortof hard to put into words but i'll do a sketch and blog it for u