Friday, February 29, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

a pretty swell web site(s)

sure, it's a throwback to 1990s live action, poor resolution videos embedded in video games, but hell, this is still pretty cool:

these are some really swell, inspiring photoshoppy things. clearly photoshoppy, but really cool nonetheless for the fantasy art style:

the typetester - you must experience to believe:

a ridiculously swell illustration portfolio. I need to learn how to do this stuff...:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i hate internet explorer, but something new anyway

of course I'll have to make a whole version dedicated exclusively to internet exploder, but here is my new portfolio page - simple, type based...easily expandable.


my new portfolio site.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Make your bound books!

Finished text block and homemade book cloth - I can't wait to put it together.

I don't think they realize...

I'm confident that non-art majors don't realize that art-majors are incredibly busy and motivated people. This is becoming more and more apparent - considering every design, drawing, photo, and printmaking student I know has an unrelenting deficit of free time - where I see business and hospitality administration majors living it up. So-to-speak.

This is on the heels of a friend of mine who's a poli-sci major who believes that a few papers and a job qualifies as "busier than me." (or any art major!)

How preposterous. :)

"Before the iPhone, there was the PayPhone"

Link to "Social Media in the 1990s"

How things have changed...quickly.

First Fabric Print

This is my first attempt at using a inkjet coating for fabric, and printing. I originally had backed the fabric with a rice paper, to create a book cloth, but my printer wasn't very keen on that (I have to admit...I was pretty nervous feeding this through my baby).

So, I ripped off the backing, and fed it through in a series of trial and error settings...and got something very close. As you can tell, it's still off, so I will have to prepare a few more "sheets" and try again!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Slow Day at Work

Bad Spaces -> Almost Good Spaces

So, I venture to say that nothing really sucks more than having a work space that doesn't work at all. My computer has been the center piece of my little studio-corner for almost a year now, but I'm finding that that space is becoming further and further impeded by cutting boards, many different adhesives, tapes, knives, rulers, books, al.

Needless to say, my space wasn't working for me in the way that it used to...since my creative focus has changed. I was dedicated to creating on the computer, now - it's becoming a secondary tool, more for compositing and typesetting (not that typesetting is secondary...but well, anyway).

So, this was my little non-functioning studio space earlier tonight:

And now this is what it came out to be:

I clearly still need more surfaces - and I'm definitely not satisfied with where my printer is (not enough tables in my workspace) but this is definitely a step up from where I was. I now have an (almost) dedicated space to work at and I don't have to be distressed that I am required to reach a foot and a half over my desk to type on my keyboard.

Almost there...I just need to move this printer out of the way now!

Does anyone have suggestions for how they like to keep their spaces? I'm really always looking for new ideas to make things flow/feel better.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Chicken Wire Sculptures

Now, imagine this, full bodied, covered in raw paper mache (the newsprint type is still visible), positioned on a Marta train holding a book with a little A Capella books tag running underneath.

I bought the chicken wire today!

More inspiration on Flickr

Pecha Kucha - Sunday, 02/10 at 6:40 pm

Pecha Kucha is an incredible meeting and presentation of designers, architects, graffiti artists, culinary artists, musicians, filmmakers, sculptors, urban planners, environmentalists, world travelers - and more.

They always plan an entirely different line-up from the previous meeting. There is a wide variation of people showing - but it's always incredibly creatively driven.

Each presenter has 20 slides that run for 20 seconds a piece. It's held at Octane Coffee on the west side, and is always PACKED with creatives.

If you want to be energized creatively, and network in Atlanta, go to Pecha Kucha.

From their website (

"Spring Session

Volume Three
Sunday February 10
Six Forty PM

Volume Four
Sunday March 09
Six Forty PM

Volume Five
Sunday April 13
Six Forty PM

Local Venue

Octane Coffee Lounge
1009 Marietta St NW
Atlanta, GA 30318"

Paper Bag Stationary?

So, is this hard to read? The bottom didn't print all the way - I think I cut my sheet a little too short - and my printer isn't incredibly fond of this paper (very thin).

So...what do you think? Legible?

Sketch Book Cover

I need to sit it under some books for a little while - my next book, I'll spray mount to the inner board - I used PVA this time, and it didn't quite come out evenly (if I decide to use paper-bag material again - I needed a heavier cover stock on the inside so the thin brown paper wouldn't rip after repeated use).

Make your own sketch books!

True Colors (for web)

Here are how the colors should really be seen - and I've fixed a few small things about the illustration as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bottom Flourish Added

illustrated stationary

I'm thinking that this fits in line with the homegrown, illustrated appeal that I'm trying to give A Capella. They're situated right in Little 5 Points, where this organic style resonates. It's kind of dirty, but legible. Kind of clean, but grungy.

It's colorful, and fun - and evokes a sense of creativity.

So, uh - let me know what you think.

Oh yeah - here's the officially finished logo -

A letter from a capella

Will scan this later

Illustrations. look better in person

Curve Stationary

swooshy stationary